
November 25, 2012

Know what you (want to) do and know it well

Know what you (want to) do and know it well in details. That includes pretty much anything you can think of. You're getting into photography? Know the top photographers in "sections" you want to work in, know the ones making the impact, know the labels used, the art galleries you want to work in and the ones making the most noise, the equipment used, know everything and anything if you mean business.
   Want to be a big name in Hollywood or general film industry? Make an effort of knowing the directors, producers, production houses, writers, etc. that actually mean something, see and explore different genres even if they are not what you want to get into, learn the movie talk, expressions, make connections, follow people you respect or want to work with, again, learn whatever you can.
   Want to get into writting business? Follow writers, get contacts, pretty much the whole thing. But most importantly, aside from ideas you will need (of course), learn as you go. Don't be rigid, don't get hung upon a certain decade, genre, style, look, feel, whatever it is, don't get hung up on it, except quality. Never bargain when it comes to quality. If you want to get somewhere, make it top priority or... in a lot of businesses and work places a very important thing is reputation and you need a good one or at least the best possible to get into places (if you exlude all the connections to certain people), let's just say if you flop on delivering the quality, that rep might get destroyed sooner than you can imagine a cookie on your plate.(;

   What I was saying is that, you have to grow as an artist and especially as an artist, you have to grow when you have any kind of job. You might think of an office job right about now, don't you? Sitting behind a desk all day, doing the same thing all day only to come home and find yourself doing MORE of the same shit. How on earth is there any kind of growing involved there? Let me tell you how: You learn to use new programmes, you learn easier ways to get through on an assignment here and there if not every day; maybe you don't do this every day but you do do it, right? I don't remember all of us being born into the computer era with the newest Apple computers, touch-screen phones, latest iPhones, Xperias and Galaxies (pardon for not listing all of em) in our hands and already able to use them - no instructions needed. Those were developed and so we grew with that, did we not? We LEARNED EVERYTHING WE NEEDED TO KNOW to use them. Doesn't it make sense we do so in all other areas of life? Know the people in it, know the happenings and know the public. It can't exactly hurt anyway.xD
   Oh, and have your own opinion. Don't be a push-over. No one really likes or benefits from a push-over and you will the least of all.

   Perhaps by now, if you got here, you might be wondering how the fuck do I know or can I say this, how did I even got to think of all this or why did I imagine it being a "good blog" to write.

Simple answers: I DON'T know this. I'm assuming based on logic, after all, how CAN you do a great job and succeed if you don't know your competition in the first place?.(;
How CAN I say this? Because I'm not afraid and it's not a bad thing to get out.
I found myself thinking about this over the past days when I got a few more follows from writers, actors and directors/producers on Twitter. That and a curious little #FF tweet I "received". I count myself among the artists. I don't specify it because... I'm just too random and I cannot. I have a passion for films, I also love photography, love to draw and write, and I adore music. I like making films and in a way "see" myself as a proper filmmaker (in future; hence the TRS Production), I also make up scenarios and whole films even sometimes all the time (in my mind), I have my own photography page up for a reason, I draw different things frequently (latest is a comic avaliable under twitter images), I write stories whenever I get to it, I make em up all the time in my head, and I had an idea of actually making music in future in past years. See? It's a jumble of everything and I realized you have to know what you want to really do or are already doing. I gave up on lesser things for the time being and am concentrating of photography and film now. Which makes me want to know it all, not just Hollywood part. I also watch more films of different genres, not for ideas but for a feel of stuff. I follow actors on twitter not because I'm a raging fan, but because I'd love to work with some of them one day and you get the idea of their state of mind here and there and whether it would even work if that 'one day' became real.
   Alright that last one was a bit less simple than expected, sorry.^^ But it's a full explanation. The last one is why did I imagine this making a "good blog". Well...I didn't, to be honest.xD I just wrote it up, whether anyone reads it or not. I've been having blog-ideas often lately so I finally decided to actually write at least one down.xD Aside from that, I think it's something people don't really realize when wanting to get involved in stuff. Same thing with wanting to start on top. It's NOT possible. You learn as you go and grow and expand. Now THAT is something that really IS SIMPLE AS THAT.

   Well, if there's a question I missed or you just think you have something to add to it, feel free to comment.

Hope I didn't put you in snooze mode & check this: (;


October 14, 2012

Past Life...Passing thoughts

Past lives, an eternal topic up for discussions that never really reaches the bottom now, does it? It crossed all our minds once, or several times, if not, it just did.[; Some of us might've even pondered a little longer upon it and made it into more than just a passing thought. What was I in my past life/lives? What kind of a person, if I was a person? What did I do? How did my life turn out? How did I end up? Was I murdered, did I die of natural death, did I end it myself? Did I pass away in the comfort of a warm bed at home, or perhaps in the field in the middle of one of the most important battles at the time, or was I poisoned, staked, stabbed,... hanged? Did I do something wrong? Was I loved? Aren't there just thousands and thousands of questions simply piling up without any answers?
Did you ever think of finding out? How? Because I did. Not the 'how' part, but the 'wanting to find out' part. I never really got around to actions, mostly because I have absolutely no idea where to go to. But I'd love to know. I guess, that reveals a little something about me, don't it? I do believe in past lives. I talked to many people about this, casually, not intentionally, and many confirmed that they too believe, and some... well, some don't. Which is perfectly fine with me, I'd just like to know why not, and not to argue but to see their point of view because I'm genuinely interested.
Some people I talked to mentioned that they see their past lives sometimes in their dreams. Most lucid ones and most profound ones, the ones who really give away the feeling of really existing once, and sometimes places they passed and felt as if they know the place. Not exactly the deja-vu feel, but something along those lines... And in all honesty? I believe them. I believe that is possible, usually even very much true. Why? No, I'm not naive, it's because I had those dreams and feelings too. I had the dreams that felt absolutely real, yet passed, I visited places, where I instantly felt at home or not so much but I felt the presence, I felt and knew inside: "I was here before." It is in fact a strange feeling when you're inside such dream or at such place. However, it is so strong and so hard to be explained that...I honestly couldn't explain it to you with the most colourful and visual of words or drawings, paintings, not in a millions of years. It has to be felt, there is no comparison to it... at least I don't think there is.
These people...they described so many things about their lives. From being up high in the ranks to being low, from commoners to assassins to royal heads, from living in absolutely different countries as to now, being Egyptians in the ancient days to knight/peasants in the Dark Ages... I don't think there's a life style I haven't heard of; and it is beyond impressive to hear them, and I'd love to hear them from you, whoever's reading this. Have you ever thought about it and what did you imagine?

You see, there's also a fact (it's supposed to be but I'm not putting my hand in fire for it) I read about this topic not a long while ago...yesterday even! It said:

"Birth marks are where you were killed in your last life."
Yes, you read correctly: where you were murdered in your last life! Did it get you thinking where all your birth marks are? It got me, because I instantly thought of the only one I have. Two small "bumps" one next to each other on the right side of my neck. Now try to imagine the death that would leave wounds there. What's the first thing that crosses your mind? First possible death? I surely first thought of a stabbed neck with a dagger by someone I probably crossed horridly or was in a fight that I lost. Did I mention it right on top of the main artery? Yep! Severed neck, shot in the neck, a sword fight gone wrong, an assassination gone down the drain...the list is probably more or less endless. Damn, must've been a bloody bloody murder.O_O Therefore, I'd really love to know more...makes sense in a way, doesn't it?

Now, where are YOUR birth marks and YOUR thoughts on the whole past lives topic? Where do YOU stand and WHY? How do YOU imagine your past life/lives was/were? Everything!.=P

P.S.: Sorry for the lenght, congrats if you read it all the way through.[; And I mentioned my photography in the last post and I forgot to add: My background is my work called African Memories. A little taste, I guess, you be the judge if it's any good.^^

Peace out!.xD

October 13, 2012

a Very long time

Waw...I haven't been on here for so long now that everything changed! Well, I'll try and be a little more "consistent" from now on because frankly, stats absolutely blew me away. I saw so many views I'd never thought I'll see. So, I hope you'll like my renewed blog and of course, a more up to date one too.=P

Many things happened that didn't get anywhere near this blog, yet they were quite life changing. No, I won't go rambling them all up and putting them down into a list. I will, however, put up the three short films I did in the meantime that I kindda hope you'll have a pleasant reaction to, not an allergic one. (bottom of the post)
A little thing I ended up doing is also photography. And no again, it didn't come just crashing from the sky on me, I was doing it longer than I thought when my good friend Rebecca (hi!!!) made me notice that I'm doing it rather better than "normal/other people" and just as more frequently, and I am still grateful for that. I'll have a site up in a week probably that will feature my work, until then... keep your fingers crossed nothing crashes it.xD
One more thing, because it is only fair for me to do some promotion up here... no, just kidding. It's not (exactly) a promotion...I think... Rebecca and I founded a production company called The Rebel Saints Production (under which are done all my little films). I'm mentioning this because it's an important part of my life. I have it on my mind very often and we're both hoping to someday push it further in the world, for which we need you all and more to spread the word, hence the primary word 'promotion'.[; We really do have huge ideas for it, even if we are from two absolutely different continents...y'know, shit happens, but that doesn't stop the drive...right?! We're always looking for new filmmakers, and since we're all amateurs for now (and probably some more), we don't require any special sets of skills or professional backgrounds. Up against our "production part" (films), we're also "sponsoring" photographers and artists in general, so you don't need to be shy, we have a couple of connections around the world... looking for aspiring actors&actresses (or people willing to try it), because afterall, you can't make films only with yourself ALL the time and FOREVER.[;
You can find us here: The Rebel Saints Production on Facebook and follow here: TheRebelSaints_ on Twitter

And since this is getting too long, I'll cut it here with a promise: I'll update more often and you better return. I promise (also) my posts won't be all like this one. I can blood sign that for you if you need me to, I know they won't be.xD

Short films I promised (via Youtube):

1.Apocalypse Now

2.A Snowy (mon)Day

and last one: 3. Happy St.Patrick's Day
A short film made in asociation with Flanery Clan and Team Reedus.